Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Sandy Hook Elementary School

Labella Daily, 

I'm back again I know I've been gone for a while but I wanted to take the time to post this poem that I wrote for those of those who's families have suffered, but also for those who's hearts go out to these unfortunate families. 

        They left in terror and fright, not prepared to go that way.
It was too soon to say goodbye, and now families mourn and cry.
They had not yet lived their lives, and got married to a husband or wife.
No children of their own, no house with a white picket fence.
No one wants to bury their child, they wouldn't think of the day.
For most people it goes the other way.
Now hearts are broken, tears have fallen because of one careless man.
It should not be this this way, so now I have to say, 
May God have mercy on the shooter and those who died peacefully rest in heaven. What he did was wicked and evil, no human being should ever have reasoning to do this. 
He has no idea what he did to this nation, caused heartbreaks and lots of devastation.
So I say burn in hell you bastard and excuse my frustration.
They had their whole lives in front of them, and now it's gone.
One man caused such a tragedy. 
We remember those who have passed and those who have not. 
No one should ever have to witness this tragedy especially children. 
Only a true coward would do such a thing. 

My heart to yours, Labella D.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Please help the Feed My Starving Children Organization

I was recently told abput the Feed My Starving Children Organization. It's a group of people that come together and they pack food for starving children all around the world from Africa back to the U.S. I would really love if yous would all consider participating in this event or even donate money. For just ¢22 you can feed 1 child which is a big deal. I would really appreciate if you guys would donate and don't feel bad if you can't send much because any amount you send is more than what this organization had before you donated. I'll post the link below


Now I would like to add that 18,000 children a day die because of starvation so just sending a dollar you're saving 4 children from dying of starvation. That's a really big deal and remember any amount helps. It's just sad that there are children dying because of starvation and here we are throwing away our food as soon as we get full. I think we don't realize how selfish we really are and I don't want to make anyone feel bad but just imagine that first piece of bread no one eats the last slice of pizza everyone throws away and those last few bites of food you can't finish because you say you're too full. Well these children don't even get that you know what they eat, mud bricks because it's all they can find. They would be so grateful to have that first piece of bread no one wants the last slice of pizza everyone throws away and those last few bites no one eats. And again I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad but just think about all those things you've wasted in your life if you put that all together that's more than what these children have over a course of years if they even live that long. It's embarrasing to live this lifestyle and not even acknowledge that these children are out there starving and wondering when their next meal (if they even get one) will come from. That's why I will not only donate but spread the word and get it out there because these children deserve to be fed. It's not asking for a lot to just donate even $1 or whatever you can because anything helps. Just imagine if it were you in this situation you would want to be on the other side. So get out there and try your best to end this because with enough people and money we can.
 There's people like this who make a drastic change in others lives please help as much as you can